10 December 2008

cold related death

i've always wondered how they calculate the number of deaths due to severe cold. what contribution must the cold make to the person's death? does slipping count? anyway, i think i will soon be a statistic. i just came in from the cold. the cold excited my bladder. after coming inside, i went immediately to the bathroom. my frozen hands caused my talliwacker to retreat, but increased the level of bladder trauma. long story short (in more ways than one): i think i peed internally.


Ugly Angie said...


ugly wife said...

ha! too funny. that's how i feel when the toilet seat is too cold as it always seems to be lately. bring back my space heater.

Joseph Martin III said...

Sounds like you've been working on some Tantric techniques there Scott...however, they are supposed to be used during ejaculations not peeing. Perhaps you were blogging when the instructors mentioned that part.

As an unfunny aside, it is actually possible to pee internally...its called urinary reflux...pee heads back up from the bladder into the kidneys. I should know, I was born with it. It usually resolves by itself as you grow older...if not it requires surgery.

In my case it did resolve, though the way they they checked it when I was 12 was interesting.....it involved about a litre of radiographic dye, a very long tube, and no small amount of bladder control to hold it while they take urinary system xrays...

I recommend everyone try it once in their lives....