13 April 2009

new issue, new look

i've been working on the new uglycousin rather than on the blog. the new issue is up now. check it out. leave comments. tomorrow: tangle theory.


Elmer Boutin said...

I like Ugly Cousin's new look. I started using WordPress on my marketing blog (http://www.crossingmarketingandit.com) and I find it very good. I'm thinking of porting my Rehor blog to it as well sometime soon.

Jojo a. said...

The Ugly Cousin look rocks! The header is incredible, really. I'm trying to display my violin, piano and an electric guitar on my blog but.. not too good at the moment.


Mignon said...

Sometimes I open your blog and then abruptly shut it because I can't decide how to pronounce the name of your town and I find that frustrating.

Elmer Boutin said...


Scott, is this a good representation?

Ugly Scott said...

yes, elmer's is pretty good. old advertising copy used to use doe-wah-jack. i certainly understand, mignon. there are many books that frustrate me because i don't know how to pronounce the characters' names.

Mignon said...

That doesn't help. Now I have two pronunciations. And neither roll off the tongue.

I just read a Norwegian crime novel and I have no idea who did it. How DO you say o-with-a-line-through-it?

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!